Saturday, July 11, 2015

Aimee's Confections: What we're all about

Aimee's Confections was unofficially started 3 days before Mother's Day in 2013. I love my peach pie and wanted to share it with others, so sent out an email to some family and friends. It was an instant hit. My husband and I were up late into the night hand-making peach pies to be done in time for Mother's Day. Pretty soon people started asking if I had plans to make anything else. Along came my mini cheesecakes. And then I added my Marquise au Chocolate and Tuxedo Cake. And it has gone on from there.

Peach Pie, Mini White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake, Marquise au Chocolate

This idea began when my husband and I were discussing ways we could help our children earn money and learn about finances. The idea began gnawing at me and I finally took the plunge.
The idea has evolved into two sides of the business. About once a month we have an offering that generally falls around the time of holidays. A specific product or two is offered and advertized by way of an email and social media. Anyone wanting to join the email list can send an email to There is an ordering window of about 3 days and then 1 day that the desserts are ready for pick-up or delivery. The other part of the business is the catering side. Many people and companies have contacted me to cater birthdays, retirement parties, company Christmas parties, bridal/baby showers, weddings, etc. 

Dulce de Leche Cheesecake, Fresh Strawberry Pie, Tuxedo Cake

For more information, questions or to be added on my email list, send an email to Or find me on facebook. Let me know how I can help!

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